Books, You Might Fancy Part 1
Here's a selection of books I've explored over the last decade or so. Part 2 Coming Soon!
Most of the books I’ve read (or listened to) below were handed to me or recommended. Each has contributed to my learning journey, and should you decide to read, I hope they do the same for you. Most are related to human, spiritual, esoteric, and self-development themes.
They are not in any particular order, and please feel free to share any recommendations you have for me to add to my physical and digital backlog. More books will be added in future blog posts!
How to Know Higher Worlds by Rudolf Steiner
A foundational text on spiritual development aimed at expanding your consciousness. The book provides practical exercises and meditative practices for out-of-body experiences (OBE).
This dude knows. Buy
The Prophet by Khalil Gibran
You already know about this poetic masterpiece, so what’s stopping you from revisiting to feel that wisdom burn even deeper? Buy
Sacred Economics by Charles Eisenstein
The softly spoken author proposes a shift towards a gift economy and ecological consciousness. The ideas are thoughtfully presented and relevant for our current unlimited growth-a-call-cost paradigm. Buy
Maus by Art Spiegelman
Masterfully crafted with themes around guilt, suffering and survival, this poignant graphic novel showcases our raw humanity. Buy
Conversations with God Four Book Series by Neale Donald Walsch
Sometimes, working in healing and transformation carries a heavy load. Books like these return you to optimism, peace and love. Everything feels positive with these gentle introductions to geopolitical and metaphysical topics, looking at how we can create a more functional world. Buy (4 books)
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig
A philosophical inquiry into the nature of quality, technology, and self. It is a slow read with an ultimately rewarding payoff, written with clarity. Who knew your uncle was meditating while repairing your car in a foul-mouthed tirade? Buy
The Higher Self by Deepak Chopra
I listened to this many years ago and my main memory is the 1980’s synth music used between chapters. I’m sure there were also some insights and practices to achieve inner peace and enlightenment but the synth is the star. Buy (Audiobook)
Buddha (Box Set) Volumes 1 - 8 by Osamu Tezuka
Another graphic novel conveys the life of Buddha with charming simplicity, powerful imagery and a dose of humour. The striking black-and-white composition and scale of the visual achievement can be easily taken for granted amongst the accessible storytelling. Buy
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
It’s hard for me to read this without hearing the words in Eckharts distinctive voice. Highlights the transformative power of living in the moment, offering practical guidance to help surrender to the present. Buy
The Golden Future by Diana Cooper
A soothing and optimistic view of humanity's spiritual evolution, detailing the transition into a 5D Golden Age through personal and collective transformation. It’s ideal for the collective anxiety caused by Earth changes - Plenty of meditation practicals too. Buy
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds by Paul Twitchell
Engaging and easy to understand, this fascinating journey of soul travel feels like fiction due to its self-assured tone. Buy
Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander
Man of science finds consciousness is real! A highly personal narrative of a neurosurgeon's near-death experience, challenging his scientific scepticism and discovering wonder. Buy
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Magic. Buy
The Toltec Art of Life and Death by Don Miguel Ruiz
A brilliant, uplifting and memorable exploration of Toltec wisdom, teaching the art of living and confronting death. The journey to your authentic self of pure love reads like a dream. Buy
How to Manifest Your Dreams by Neville Goddard
Goddard’s lectures on using imagination to shape your reality, focus on belief and visualisation - with many examples. It sounds so simple and the translations of biblical parables into spiritual metaphors are inspired. Buy
Awareness by Anthony De Mello
This book is a profound exploration of consciousness and self-realisation. Insights delivered with humour, simplicity and joy. Buy