Sound Healing

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Immerse yourself in the soothing vibrations of sound therapy.

Directly feel the benefits through powerful musical sensations. Shamanic drums, crystal bowl healing with Solfeggio healing frequencies.

Unlock the Power of Sound Healing

Frequency Healing

Music has long been used to help people heal on a physical and emotional level. This practice is known as sound healing and it can be used for relaxation, meditation, and self-reflection.

What Is Sacred Sound Healing?

Sound healing is an ancient practice that utilises sound frequencies to bring balance to the body, mind, and spirit.

The use of singing bowls, gongs, drums, or other instruments helps create a frequency that vibrates through the body which helps reduce stress, promote relaxation, and alleviate pain.

In addition to reducing stress levels, sound healing also increases energy levels and boosts overall immunity by helping release toxins from the body. It can even help with sleep problems as it helps restore harmony within the body so that natural rhythms are restored.

Our Sound Healing sessions are different because we include a personalised energy release for each attendee as part of the session.


Sound healing works by using vibrations to stimulate brainwaves, creating a state of deep relaxation known as alpha or theta waves.

When these brainwaves are activated they increase focus while decreasing stress levels which helps people reach a meditative state more quickly than traditional meditation practices such as mindfulness or breathing exercises. In this state of deep relaxation, our bodies become more receptive to positive energy, allowing us to access our inner wisdom more easily.

The benefits of sound healing are far-reaching; not only does it help reduce stress levels but it also promotes mental clarity, improved concentration, enhanced creativity, increased vitality and an overall sense of well-being.

It can also be used for physical ailments such as headaches or muscle aches as well as emotional issues like anxiety or depression - making it an effective tool for both physical and mental health. Many people also find it helpful in overcoming addictions or breaking destructive patterns in their lives. 

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Private Group Booking Enquiry

The majority of our group sessions are private group bookings. We require a minimum of 4 persons to hold a session.

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We’ll be happy to contact you to discuss options in further depth.

Healing Options at Ajooni