Change is Inevitable
“Mankind sets out to change the world, and make a difference.
They stand there and believe what they are doing is correct. No matter what others say, they believe that they are correct. They stand in their power and believe their own lies. Yet that is all they believe.“
Questions, Chaos & Peace
“Welcome All.
As we continue to bring this channelling, there will be many questions.
“Questions there will be. You are living in a time when the world is divided. One in chaos and another in peace. Both exist side by side. You decide which one you live in.”
“Welcome All.
This is our first newsletter from Ajooni Retreat and it has been
In future posts, you’ll learn more about the history and process that brought us to this moment. Suffice it to say that the majority of the idea, ethos and services have been directly influenced via channelled sessions by Spirit Guides.
The following is a transcription from one of these channelling sessions.